میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)


1. Responsibilities stated in the Constitution of Majlis Ansarullah

  • Section 134. Qa’id Umoomi shall be the incharge of the office of the headquarters.
  • Section 135. It shall be the duty of Qa’id ‘Umoomi to see that the instructions of Sadr Majlis are being carried out and remind all concerned when necessary.
  • Section 136.  Qa’id ‘Umoomi shall maintain the record of proceedings of Majlis Aamla (National) and shall also inform the members of the concerned Majalis about it.
  • Section 137. Qa’id ‘Umoomi shall sign all vouchers concerning expenditure of Headquarters Office.
  • Section 138. It shall be the duty of Qa’id Umoomi to publicize the aims and objects of the Majlis and to organize the Majlis at as many places as possible.

2. Responsibilities of Qa’id / Muntazim Umoomi

  1. Divide the Majlis (if needed) into smaller units.
  2. Ensure that the Majlis Aamla meeting is held at least once a month. Record the minuted and send a copy to Markaz. It should also include the monthly report of each Nazim.
  3. Hold general meeting (Ijlas ‘Aam) at least once a month and send the report to Headquarters. It should also include the monthly report of each Nazim.
  4. Hold Annual Regional Ijtema’at any suitable date. To inform the Headquarters accordingly; also send the report of your Regional Ijtema.
  5. Plan the events in advance so that maximum members should participate in all Ansar events i.e. Refresher Course, Tarbiyati Class, Musleh-e-Maud Tournament, Ansarullah Sports Day, Local Ijtema Majlis, National Shura and National Ijtema Majlis Ansarullah.
  6. Maintain record of all the correspondence with the Headquarters.
  7. Send monthly report of Majlis activities, before 10th of each month to Headquarters
  8. If there is any change in your local event, programmes or activity, please inform Headquarters immediately so that the representative from Headquarters can plan accordingly.
  9. The Majlis can be divided into smaller sections and Sa’iqeen will be assigned to a group of Ansar for keeping constant contacts.

3. Functions of Qa’id Umoomi

  1. Qa’id Umoomi is responsible for all administration matters.
  2. Responsible for sending out and receiving reports and other correspondence for Majlis and Region.
  3. Maintains Ansar offices in the Regions and Majlis.
  4. Arrange Aamla meetings, take & distribute approved minutes & agenda.
  5. Responsible to collect reports from all departments and prepare Monthlyreport for Headquarters
  6. Maintain records for all departmental Reports.

4. General Guidelines for Zuama & Muntazmeen Umoomi

  • Organise One Aamla Meeting every month.
  • Organise One General Meeting every month.
  • Give at least 2 weeks’ notice for general meeting.
  • Ensure there is a prefixed agenda for the meeting that is distributed well before the meeting due date.
  • Ensure minutes of the Aamla meeting are recorded.
  • All Ansar members must be informed and reminded by phone call if required about the General Meeting.
  • In addition to the phone calls, emails and texts can also be used as reminders.
  • Use the Saiqeen system to help contact Ansar in your Majlis. Divide the responsibility between your Aamla members.
  • Inform Ansar by a personalized letter enclosing the agenda of the meeting.
  • Try making the meeting useful & interesting. Choose a topic of interest or choose a book from which you can discuss a certain topic or Hadith
  • Arrange for light refreshments
  • Set a fixed time and day or week for meeting (For example: 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7pm)
  • There is no quick fix, it will take time, no magic formula. Just keep trying with prayers, love and understanding.
  • Meetings must be result oriented