About Us

Introduction to Ansarullah

‘Majlis Ansarullah Australia’ is an auxiliary organisation of the main ‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Australia,’ the latter being a branch of the worldwide Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. All Ahmadis who are forty years of age or over, automatically become members of ‘Ansarullah.’ ‘Majlis Ansarullah,’ like the main body of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – to which it is subordinate – is a non-political, religious and spiritual organisation. It has nothing to do with politics of any sort. The number of Ahmadis in Australia grew gradually, predominantly as a result of migration from different countries such as Pakistan, Fiji, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palestine and Africa. ‘Majlis Ansarullah’ came into existence in Australia in the nineteen seventies (1970s).

Aims & Objectives

The aim of the organisation is the moral and spiritual training of the members so as to promote the love of God, righteousness, exhorting them to discharge their duties towards the Creator and fellow human beings; promoting and propagating religious knowledge; serving humanity; religious training and education of children, particularly teaching them Namaz and Quran; inculcating obedience to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih of the time and Jamaat’s administrative setup at all levels and tires etc. The aims and objectives of the organisation are reflected in the pledge, which every member has to make and repeat in every formal meeting


Among the ‘Ansar’ (members of the auxiliary) there are two levels/rows (Saff). The ‘Saff-e-Awal’ comprises members of age above 55 years while all others from ‘Saff-e-Doam. The President (Sadr) and Vice President (Naib Sadr), Saff-e-Doam are elected for a period of two years, while all other office bearers are appointed on the kind approval of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih on a yearly basis, on the recommendation of the president of the auxiliary. Apart from them, the National Majlis-e-A’mila (Executive Committe) consists of Quaids (leaders) in-charge of various departments, such as education, training, service to humanity, preaching, physical & mental health, finance, waqf-e-jadeed, tehrik-e-jadeed, tajneed (registration), publication, Quaid inter-state branches and auditor.