میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)


1. Responsibilities stated in Dastur Asasi

Section148: Qa’id Ithar shall chalk out programs in order to sympathise with Allah’s creatures to serve them and work for their welfare and shall ask all the Majalis to act upon these programs

2. Plan of the year

2.1 Qa’id Isaar will present his monthly report to the National Aamla members every month. 2.1  Every Majalis must have Muntazim Iessar who will carry the following duties in his Majlis:

i)  Take care of elderly brothers, Orphans, widows and their families ii)  To create awareness about the scheme of Maryam Shadi Fund among Ansar and encourage active participation iii)  Helping families in case of critical need. Make a team to perform funeral duties assisting Sadr Jama’at. iv)  Reports are required on a monthly basis for all members who are sufferingfrom ailments and long term sickness in your Majlis v)  Qa’id will liaise with all Muntazmeen, have monthly report to Sadr Majlis vi)  Ansar should not only be responsible for Ansar, but also extend necessary support to all Jamaat members vii)  Carry out charity events in consultation and approval of Sadr Majlis viii)  Arrange Red Cross blood donation campaign in line with Red Cross Blood Appeal to encourage all members to donate blood. He should keep a register of members who donate blood and then send reminders every three months to members registered in the register. ix)  Coordinate Australia Day. x)  Coordinate Clean up Australia Day in Regions. xi)  Arrange National Tree plantation day across all Regions. xii)  Coordinate Red Cross Door Knock Appeal to collect donations for Red Cross