میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)


1. Responsibilities stated in Dastur Asasi

  • Section 156: Qa’id Isha’at shall try to increase the circulation of the monthly Ansarullah and motivate members to contribute their articles to the monthly.
  • Section 157: Qa’id Isha’at shall publish important books and literature, as and when required, and supply to Majalis.

2. Plan for the Year

i)  Qa’id / Muntazmeen Isha’at will coordinate for publishing magazine “Azzujajah” quarterly on time and encourage to share their activities and experiences from all the Majalis from Australia. ii)  Involve more members all over Australia to help in publishing of “Azzujajah” by sending articles and reports’ iii)  Encourage members to read local newspapers, magazines and write letters to the newspapers on Islamic point of view iv)  Urge members to subscribe to at least one Jama’at magazine/journal such as Ansarullah Rabwah and review of religion, and read them as well v)  Qa’id will establish contact with all Muntazmeen; have one quarterly meeting and report in Majlis Aamla meetings vi)  Take notes of all the activities of Majlis Ansarullah in Isha’at department. vii)  Prepare a report for printing in ““Azzujajah” and submit to Huzur-e Anwar for his guidance and prayers under Sadr Sb’s approval. viii)  Print pamphlets and booklets as required.