میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)

Mal (Finance)

1. Responsibilities stated in Dastur Asasi

  • Section 142: Qa’id Mal shall organise the assessment of annual budget of all Majlis and shall arranger collection of subscriptions according to this budget.
  • Section 143: Qa’id Mal shall operate the accounts of Majlis jointly with the Sadr or Na’ib Sadr Awwal.
  • Section 144: Qa’id Mal shall correspond with the Majlis on matter concerning his department
  • Section 145: Qa’id Mal shall present the names of members who are defaulters in the payment subscription to the Sadr and take action according to his instruction
  • Section 146: Qa’id Mal shall present the annual budget of Majlis Ansarullah Mulk proposed by Majlis Amila Mulk for approval to Majlis Shura Ansarullah
  • Section 147: Qa’id Mal shall present the income and expenditures statement before Majlis Amila Mulk every month

A Nasir who is in arrears of Chanda Majlis Ansarullah for more than 6 months, and of Chanda Salana Ijtema for more than a year shall not be eligible to hold any office of Majlis Ansarullah Functions of Mal

2. Functions of Mal

  1. Ansarullah Chanda Ratio

Chanda ratio for Ansarullah chanda is as under:

– Chanda Majlis – 1% of Annual Income

– Chanda Ijtema – 1.5% of one month’s income once a year


– Budget templates will be provided to each Majlis from markaz by the end of August so that all Majalis can complete their budget for the following year by the end of September.

– Budget will be subject to approval by Majlis-e-Shura.

– Any variation in the budget such as relocation of members from one Majlis to another need to be submitted to Markaz for approval. After Markaz’s approval, budget will be shifted from one Majalis to another accordingly.

– No variation in the budget will be accepted without the approval from markaz.

– Monthly budget target for each Majlis will be 1/12th of their annual Majlis budget.

– Each Majlis should collect chanda as per their Majlis’ monthly budget target every month and deposit in Majlis Ansarullah Australia’s bank account before close of the month.

– No Nasir should have his chanda Majlis in arrears for more than six months at any time during the year.


– All chanda collections and direct debits must be deposited in Majlis Ansarullah Bank account. – Bank account details of Majlis Ansarullah Australia are as under:

Bank: ANZ Account Name: Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia Account Description: Ansarullah – Income BSB: 012-432 Account Number: 2182 45617

– Deposit books have been provided to all Majalis. Each Majlis should deposit their monthly chanda collection into above mentioned bank account using their deposit book.

– Zaeem Majlis should provide above bank details to Ansar members who want to deposit their chanda by direct deposit. After close of the month “National Qa’id Mal” will inform relevant Zaeem Majlis about the detail of direct deposits of his Majlis and Zaeem Majlis will issue receipt to Ansar member and mention direct debit on the receipt.

– Zaeem Majlis will ensure that none of his members deposit their Ansarullah chanda by direct deposit in Jama’at bank account or pay Chanda to Jama’at Secretary Finance.


– Majlis share will be granted @25% of total chanda Majlis. This will only apply to the Majlis that will achieve 100% of their budget target. – Majlis share entitlement for any particular year can be utilised to claim expenses incurred in the following year.

– Majlis share will not be provided upfront in advance at the start of following year. However, Zaeem Majlis can get small amounts in advance against expenses duly approved by Regional Nazim A’la.

–  Majalis can claim expenses only after the approval of Regional Nazim A’la. Markaz will not make any payment without the approval of Regional Nazim A’la on payment voucher.

– If a Majlis does not claim any expenses to be reimbursed from Majlis share in the relevant year, these expenses will not be reimbursed after the close of that year. For example Majlis share for year 2015 can only be claimed against expenses of year 2016. After the close of year 2016, Majlis share for year 2015 cannot be claimed.

–  Zaeem Majlis / Nazim Region should provide approved payment voucher to markaz at least one week before the time when they actually need funds.

–  Final amounts of Majalis share entitlement will be communicated to all Majalis through their Regional Nazim once the accounts are finalised for the year.


Zaeem Majlis will be responsible to keep a record of all the income and expenses of his Majlis. Main functions of Zaeem Majlis regarding record keeping are as under:


  Keep record of all the receipt books and deposit books issued by markaz to the Majlis.   Keep receipt books in safe custody to avoid any misuse.   Provide completed receipt books to auditor for audit.   Returnofcompletedandauditedreceiptbookstomarkazwithoutanydelay.   Maintain individual ledger for each member of his Majlis without fail. Monthly updating of individual ledgers will facilitate Zaeem Majlis to prepare status of chanda collection for members of his Majlis as and when required by markaz.   Provide copy of individual ledger to each member at least six monthly basis.  Submit a statement of monthly collection to Qa’id Mal by 10th of each month


  Zaeem Majlis should fill “Payment Voucher” for all the expenses and seek approval from “Regional Nazim”. Markaz will not accept any payment voucher for making payment without the approval of Regional Nazim.   Zaeem Majlis will maintain an expenses file and keep photocopies of all the payment vouchers and receipts. Original Payment voucher and receipts should be submitted to Headquarter after audit.

3. Plan for the Year

i)  Finalisation if income and expenses for previous year. ii)  Revision of Majlis Ansarullah budget for the current year as per approved Shura proposal by end of January. ii)  Preparation of functions and responsibilities of Majalis with regard to Shoba Mal for printing of refresher course material. iii)  Informing Majlis share entitlements to all Majalis by mid of February. iv)  Transfer of Markaz share by end of February. v)  Receipt books audit to be completed by 29th of February. vi)  Regular monitoring of chanda collection by Majalis and support to Zuama Majalis for collection of chanda on time. vii)  Maintaining of Majlis Ansarullah bank accounts for both income and expenses. viii)  Making bank and petty cash payments for activities of Majlis Ansarullah Australia on time. ix)  Maintaining proper records of income and expenses of Majlis Ansarullah Australia and provide supporting documents to National auditor for audit. x)  Monthly reporting of chanda collection and expense report to Sadr Sahib Majlis Ansarullah Australia each month. xi)  Preparation of budget templates and submission to Zuama by the end of August for the following year’s budget preparation. xii)  Preparation and presentation Shoba Mal report and budget in Majlis-e-Shura. xiii)  National Qa’id Mal will visit all Regions at least once during the year. xiv)  Qa’id Mal will update list of all Muntazim Mal Nationally by 29th February xv)  Finance department will arrange close contacts with Muntazim Mal of local Majalis of Majlis Ansarullah Australia xvi)  Prepare and maintain the accounts for Majlis Ansarullah Australia and maintain the accounts books xvii)  Qa’id Mal and/or his Assistant will make frequent visits/contacts to the Majalis to keep them informed of their progress. xviii)  Qa’id Mal will present monthly collection report to national Aamla xix)  Mal department will dispatch quarterly Majlis Chanda Collection Reports to all the Majalis xx)  Finance department will collect individual Majalis Chanda Budget from all Majalis in order to prepare the consolidated budget xxi)  Qa’id Mal to check that all members in Tajneed are matched to budget for the current year. xxii)  Qa’id Mal will present the annual budget to National Majlis Shura for the year 2018 xxiii)  Implement Shura proposals xxiv)  For Majalis Assistance, Markaz will Inshallah be conducting Three Ashra Wasooli during the year 2017, on the following dates:

a)  April 1, 2017 to April 10, 2017 b)  August 1, 2017 to August 10, 2017 c)  September 15, 2017 to September 25, 2017

xxv)  Qa’id Mal will provide a list of defaulters of Chanda to Sadr Majlis every six months. xxvi)  Qa’id Mal to keep record of share of grant to each Majlis and esnure the same are within their allocation.