میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)


1. Tarbiyat Department Responsibility.

“O ye who believe! Save youDrseplvaesratnmd eynoutr ofafmTiliaesrfbroiymaatFire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are appointed angels, stern and severe, who disobey not Allah in what He commands them and do as they are commanded.” (66:07)

In his Friday sermon of April 23, 2010, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) instructed us that, “the greatest responsibility lays with the head of the household, the man. He should save his children from the Fire from which God has saved him.” We can be a part of the greater change now and for the legacy we leave behind.

Tarbiyyat (Moral Training) is the means by which we receive guidance, reminders, and keep us focused on our ultimate goal – winning the pleasure of Allah. The nature of our moral character is a direct reflection of the level of our faith. Without true faith in believing in the unseen, the motivation to control ones human urges, egos, self-sacrifice for cause of other and to act in a way pleasing to our creator becomes secondary in our lives and thus hurts our own quality of life, and those around us..

Zauma and Nazmeen A’la should try to activate Muntazim Tarbiyat and Saiqeen system to approach all Ansar brothers for Tarbiyat related programs. Tarbiyat report should be maintained and send with monthly report form. Report should be taken from each and every Nasir.

2. Responsibilities stated in Dastur Asasi (Constitution)

  • Section 141: “It shall be the duty of Qa’id Tarbiyat to take necessary steps for the development of true Islamic character amongst members of Majlis Ansarullah”.
  • In the light of regulation 141 of Dastur Asasi (The Constitution) it is the responsibility of Qa’id/ Muntazmeen Tarbiyat to prepare and implement such programs as to develop the true Islamic character amongst members of Majlis Ansarullah.

3. Plan for the Year

  1. To implement Shura Recommendations (Please refer to Shura Proposals section in this booklet). Ensure that all targets approved by Shura are achieved.
  2. During the year 2017 (Insha Allah) the main focus of the Tarbiyat department would be on the following items to ensure that:

a) Attendance in Salat Centers

Approved Shura proposal No 1 (2016) is, “Since the attendance in prayers, in congregation, is diminishing, it is proposed that Majlis Shura deliberate on how to improve members praying 5 daily prayers in congregation as well as attendance in masjid and prayer Centres”.

Following strategies shall be adopted to improve attendance at Salat centres:

All Ansar should be informed and reminded about the importance of the congregational prayer.

Preference should be given to offer prayers in Mosque or salat centres. Members should be encouraged to attend Salat in congregation especially on Saturdays and Sundays and on public holidays at the mosque as pre their job routine.

  • In some cases additional centers must be established at home in coordination with local Jamat, so that all Ansar can come for congregational prayer. Home based Salat centres will be introduced wherein Majalis, which live about 25 km from Mosque or formal Namaz Centres, may arrange Salat in congregation in these designated homes. These designated homes may be rotated every week and should be in facilitation with local Jama’at.
  • Majlis wise monitoring will be made to check whether the Ansar members are regular in offering 5 daily prayers (in congregation wherever it is possible) and the recitation of the Holy Quran on daily basis and whether they advise their children to do the same.

b) Fasting

All Ansar members should be reminded to fast on each Thursday or Monday as asked by our beloved Imam for the protection of all Ahmadis and peace in this world. Huzoore Anwar asked for this for 40 weeks.

c) Participation in Majlis Ansarullah activities

As per Shura Proposal 2015, “Owing to low attendance of Ansar members in general meetings and other programs, it is imperative that Majlis-eShura deliberate on ways & means to persuade members to participate more in Ansarullah activities”. Zauma and Nazmeen A’la should motivate Ansar to participate in all Ansarullah activities.

d)  Monthly general meeting

General meeting should be arranged in all Majlis every month. Each monthly meeting should revolve around a particular Tarbiyat topic related to some moral challenges we face in everyday life such as congregational prayer and obedience of Khalifa and Nizam e Jamat.

e)  Listening to Huzur-e Anwar’s Friday sermons

Ansar members will be frequently reminded to listen to Huzur-e Anwar’s Friday Sermons regularly along with family members.

f)  Personal Contact with Huzur-e Anwar

Ansar brothers will be advised to keep personal contact with Huzur-e Anwar and let their children also to do the same by regularly writing letters to Huzur-e Anwar.

g) Family disputes

Efforts will be made to resolve any family/other disputes among Ansar members, if there is any dispute that comes to our attention.

h) Tarbiyat Week

One week will be celebrated as Tarbiyyat week in each Majlis every Quarter and all Ansar members will be reminded to offer 5 daily prayers, Huzur-e Anwar’s Friday Sermon and recitation of Holy Quran.

i) Tahajjud Prayers

Each Majlis should mark one day every month to offer Tahajjud prayer in congregation wherever possible.

j) Emphasis on Friday Prayers

Ansar brothers will be advised to offer Friday prayer regularly. Those Ansar brothers who are unable to offer Friday prayer regularly due to their office schedule they must offer at least one Friday prayer out of three consecutive Friday prayers.

4. Tarbiyat monthly report form for Amla members

  • Tarbiyat data will be collected from Amla members.

5. Home visit report

  • Home visits should continue as per Shura Proposal of 2015. The number will be as follow:

Zauma are required to visit at least 5 Ansar every month.

Nazmeen A’la and National Amla members will be required to visit at least two Ansar every month.

6.  List of less active Ansar

List of less active Ansar should be prepared and send to Headquarters after each quarter (January, April, July and October). Zauma and Nazmeen A’la should try to minimize the number of Ansar in this list by making them more active with the help of your senior members, presidents and Murabbian.

7. Other Tarbyyati activities

  • Emphasise on importance of watching MTA and listening to the Friday Sermon.
  • Writing at least one letter to Huzur-e Anwar
  • Each Region to hold Khilafat Seminar twice a year with an emphasis on importance of the attachment of Khialfat