میرے فرقہ کے لوگ اس قدر علم اور معرفت میں کمال حاصل کریں گے کہ اپنی سچائی کے نور اور اپنے دلائل اور نشانوں کے رو سے سب کا منہ بند کر دیں گے۔۔۔ سو اے سننے والو! ان باتوں کو یاد رکھو اور ان پیش خبریوں کو اپنے صندوقوں میں محفوظ رکھ لو کہ یہ خدا کا کلام ہے جو ایک دن پورا ہو گا۔“ (تجلیات الہٰیہ روحانی خزائن جلدنمبر20صفحہ نمبر409،410)


1. Responsibilities stated in Dastur Asasi

  • Section 153: Qa’id Tehrik Jadid shall motivate members of Majlis Ansarullah to participate in the financial sacrifices of Tehrik Jadid. He shall also make the demands of Tehrik Jadid known to all members Plan for the Year

2. Plan for the year

Majlis Ansarullah will ensure that all Ansar will participate in this blessed Tehrik. However, Qa’id and Muntazmeen Tehrik-e Jadid will carry out following tasks:

i)  Increase the number of participants in each level i.e. Saf-e Awwal and Saf-e Doem. Endeavours will be made to include 100% of the Tajnid in the Tehrik. ii)  Improve the collection as follows:

a)  Muntazim Tehrik Jadid should contact each member individually b)  He should encourage the members to increase their promise, if possible. c)  He should also revive the Daftar of such relatives who had passed away d)  He should create awareness about the demands of Tehrik-e Jadid as instructed by Hazrat Musleh Maudra e)  He should request Headquarter for any further assistance in this regard, if required. iii)  All Muntazmeen should submit the report to Zaeem Majlis . iv)  Zaeem Majlis will submit the report to Headquarter no later than the 10th of each month v)  Qa’id will establish contact with all Muntazmeen, have one quarterly meeting and report in Majlis Amila meeting vi)  Qa’id shall contact with National Secretary Tehrik-e-Jadid and take assistance from him, and Muntazim shall contact with local secretary Tehrike-Jadid and help him