
Among the ‘Ansar’ (members of the auxiliary) there are two levels/rows (Saff). The ‘Saff-e-Awal’ comprises members of age above 55 years while all others from ‘Saff-e-Doam. The President (Sadr) and Vice President (Naib Sadr), Saff-e-Doam are elected for a period of two years, while all other office bearers are appointed on the kind approval of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih on a yearly basis, on the recommendation of the president of the auxiliary. Apart from them, the National Majlis-e-A’mila (Executive Committe) consists of Quaids (leaders) in-charge of various departments, such as education, training, service to humanity, preaching, physical & mental health, finance, waqf-e-jadeed, tehrik-e-jadeed, tajneed (registration), publication, Quaid inter-state branches and auditor.